AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom Titles

Name Level Stat Type
Rampaging Test Subject 110 Instance
Frost Blowing Leader 105 Instance
Victorious 50 DMG +34 Instance
The Scale of Truth 85 DMG +31 Instance
Flame Revival 110 Instance
Heatwave 95 Instance
Unstoppable 1 Instance
Holy Light's Return 101 DMG +31 Instance
Whack-A-Mole Expert 110 Instance
Silent Enforcer 85 Instance
Heart of the Sea 1 Instance
Always Together 110 Instance
Frightening 50 HP +48 Instance
Transcendent Deity 101 DMG +61 Instance
The Winning Strike 95 HP +50 Instance
Neverender 1 Instance
Bloodsucker Enrichment 105 Instance
The Magnificent 1 Character Level
Strong 50 DMG +34 Instance
Go back home 95 Instance
Sweet and Innocent 1 Instance
Epic Dawn 101 DMG +31 Instance
Volt Strike 1 Instance
Water Dragon Queen 1 Instance
Elemental Captain 1 Sky Tower
Firefigher 1 Sky Tower
Bright Boundary 101 DMG +61 Instance
Spartan 40 EVA +40 PvP
Adrenaline Junkie 40 CRIT +50 PvP
Doomsday Lament 110 Instance
Researchers 120 Instance
Mastery of Dispelling Darkness 75 Instance
Queen's Eternal Blessing 85 DMG +61 Instance
Regicide 1 Instance
Grim Reality 50 HP +20 Eidolons
The Sword of Truth 85 DMG +61 Instance
Dog Trainer 1 Instance
Visceral Fat Level 3 1 DMG +25 Instance
The Sun Still Rises 60 Instance
Sarpa Terminator 70 DMG +20 Instance
Dance Fever 50 CRIT +4 Eidolons
Lavalord Leveler 1 Instance
YOLO 1 HP +50 Instance
Dancing in the Rain 60 Instance
Fortification Master 1 Fortification
Wise Pharmacist 65 HP +70 Alchemy
Alchemy Grand Master 60 HP +50 Alchemy
Brutality War God 125 Instance
Output entirely depends on shouting 1 Instance
Dominating Duskfall Dancer Destroyer 70 CRIT +41
HP +136
World Boss