Quiz Answers

Quiz Answers
# Question Correct Answer Wrong Answer
1 In the reputation instance "Treasure Hunt," is the title of the commissioner Isarael __________? Explorer King Treasure King
2 In the reputation instance "Treasure Hunt", is the last found Treasure Chest hidden in __________? Inside the beetle's belly In Lucky Crystal
3 In the reputation instance "Bucket List," was the relic Edward used called __________? Thunder Cannon Meteor Cannon
4 In the reputation instance "Bucket List", can you gain status by the altar to increase __________? Enemy's DMG Treasure Hunter rate
5 In the reputation instance "Demon's Heart," is the name of the client __________? Annie Nia
6 In the reputation instance "Demon's Heart," John's __________ is sick and urgently needs money? Madam Daughter
7 In the reputation instance "Kargula's Tests", the rabbits that need to be defeated are called __________. Kargula Phantom Kargula Incarnation
8 In the reputation instance "Kargula's Tests," is the elder of Kargula Village called __________? Bitcoin Ballet
9 In the reputation instance "Reopen the Mine Pit", how many miners does Max need to find? Four people Three
10 In the reputation instance "Reopen the Mine Pit", is __________ hiding in the pile of Crystal Ore? Clermont Abel
11 In the reputation instance "Talented Tanuki", is the leader of the Lightning Gang called __________? Pikachu Ham ham ham
12 In the reputation instance "Talented Tanuki", is the side that Hamuhamu belongs to called __________? Ham League Lightning Gang
13 In the reputation instance "Pirates' Booty," is the weapon used by Link Jordan __________? Axe Great Sword
14 In the reputation instance "Abandoned Robot," is the person asking for help Max, a __________? Passionate Little Boy Passionate Old Man
15 In the reputation instance "Abandoned Robot", will the last character __________ walk together with Max? Willing Refuse
16 In the reputation instance "Smelly Arachnid", is the client __________? First Village Chief Third Village Chief
17 In the reputation instance "Smelly Arachnid", what is the gender of the spider that is defeated last? Mother Public
18 In the reputation instance "Emerald Blessing", is the gender of the Priest at the Buffs Altar entrance __________? Female Male
19 In the reputation instance "Emerald Blessing", is the elf's pet named __________? Invincible Purple Ball Invincible Basketball
20 In the reputation instance "Keep It Under Wraps", is the password __________? Dwarf means short legs. A diligent person is one who works hard.
21 In the reputation instance "Keep It Under Wraps", does Bomb__________ from Bomb cause damage to Bomb itself? will will not
22 In the reputation instance "Flame War", does Leah use __________ to kill Bug Eggs? Fire Poison
23 In the reputation instance "Flame War," is Village Chief Mi Leah a __________? Grandmother Young housewife
24 In the reputation instance "Zinnia in Trouble," is the summoned entity due to the failed Blessing Ceremony __________? Corrosion Sprite Ancient Rex
25 In the reputation instance "Zinnia in Trouble," is the village surrounded by monsters because of Princess's mischief __________? Floras Leaf Village
26 In the reputation instance "Rescue Elf Battle", is the younger sister of Priest named __________? Sister Lola Chibi
27 In the reputation instance "Rescue Elf Battle", is the Demon that kidnaps the Elf __________? Destruction Demon Nevada, India
28 In the reputation instance "Brawner Park", is the name of the client __________? Dr. Wu Dr. Bird
29 In the reputation instance "Brawner Park", did the park director, Hameng, summon __________ last? Giant Mountain Dragon Charmander
30 In the reputation instance "Delicious Zinnia", are the Trolls participating in a __________ competition? Hungry, Hungry Marathon
31 In the reputation instance "Delicious Zinnia", is the animal used by the elder to counterattack the Trolls __________? Wild Boar Dinosaur
32 In the reputation instance "Badlands Demons," is the person who commissioned us __________? Watson Sherlock Holmes
33 In the reputation instance "Badlands Demons", are the parties that can make the Demon reveal its true form __________? Holy Power Power of Exorcism
34 In the reputation instance "Walking With Bugs," does Giant Bug refer to __________? Ancient Sickle Spiderling Prehistoric Bumblebee
35 In the reputation instance "Walking With Bugs", the name of the missing Dwarf in the mine is __________? Basil Jack
36 In the reputation instance "Merchant's Treasure", is the flower that eats gold coins __________? Golden Flowertrap Sunflower
37 In the reputation instance "Ancient Lord's Sword", is the scene inside a __________? Ancient Tomb Castle
38 In the reputation instance "Demon God's Fury," did Dylan ask you to bring back his __________? Sun Tzu Mom
39 In the reputation instance "Demon God's Fury", among the three siblings, is the youngest sister, Leiwana, the most __________? Little Big
40 In the reputation instance "Cut to the Core," is the name of the Gnome Punter at the entrance __________? Keluolu Kuroro
41 In the reputation instance "Cut to the Core", do you need to collect a total of __________ Relic Power Cores? Six Twelve
42 In the reputation instance "Penguins Make Bad Pets", is the item used to attract Agan's attention __________? Jar Baseball
43 In the reputation instance "Penguins Make Bad Pets", is there an Evil Penguinlike__________? Patting someone's head Play Dongdong
44 In the reputation instance "Bandit Battle", is the father of the siblings __________? Already Death Still alive
45 In the reputation instance "Bandit Battle," is the person taken away by the Bandit __________? Sister Allie Younger BrotherAl
46 In the reputation instance "Recapture the Castle", is it A bunch...__________ that occupies Benwick? Werewolf Bloodsucker ghost
47 In the reputation instance "Recapture the Castle," Lucy asked you to shower under __________ springs in total? Two 1. If the text is 80% similar to previously entered text, use the same translation for the verbs and nouns.
48 In the reputation instance "Iron and Blood", is the only laborer who escaped first numbered as __________? 24601 79979
49 In the reputation instance "Iron and Blood", does Yue Xia hide and seek in __________? Equipment Box Abandoned Robot
50 In Oblitus Wood, is the region occupied by a bunch of robots __________? Barren Well Ghostweep Ruins
51 Before reaching Demarech Mines in the Holy City, Andre wants the player to defeat __________ to prove their skills. Armored Mine Lion Slimeling
52 Triatio Highlands is the sect of Avian. The demon they worship is __________? Argus Black Knight
53 The primary mission of the Black Knight upon arriving at Demarech Mines is to dig __________? Cube of Gaia Gaia Crystal
54 Is the Beast Statue Altar in Triatio Highlands the worship place for __________? Argus Cult Stone Hammer Tribe
55 Is the Ghost that Hunter Gino saw in the Forest of Triatio Highlands actually __________? Eidolons Human
56 In Candeo Marsh and Fernscall Woods, what species is considered food for Vampire Bats, __________? Turtle Beast Unicorn
57 In Candeo Marsh's Candetonn, are the Vampires who collude with the Corpser Bandit group __________? Grandpa Will Village Chief Javier
58 In Main, is the box containing the Spirit Separator called __________? Starlight Treasure Chest Moonlight Rabbit's Treasure
59 In Main, is __________ the person who stole the Spirit Separator in Cactakara Forest? Young LadyCaroline Left-Wing ButterflyMaya
60 In Candeo Marsh, Mia uses hypnosis to prompt the __________ ATKBandit group? Vampire Bat Turtle Beast
61 Is it __________ who suffers the consequences of using tricks in the Fighting Competition in Ventos Prairie? Answering this question correctly will earn %s2 points, not answering will deduct %s3 points, and answering incorrectly will deduct %s4 points. Prince Dafeng Second Prince of the Wind
62 In Main, does Lunarin keep the Key to the Starlight Treasure Chest hidden in __________? Altar of the Moon Alabastren Temple Ruins
63 Is the chosen venue for the Fighting Competition in Ventos Prairie __________? Leyline Arena Albert Competition Arena
64 Did the Field Study team of Candeo Marsh come to Awlstone Forest to protect __________? Unicorn Turtle Beast
65 In Main, is the true reason for the depletion of Oblitus Wood __________? Absorbing Time Distillation from a corpse. Dwarf abuses Great Land Magic.
66 In Oblitus Wood, the Silver Flash Tribe's Virus Master village, is it for the purpose of occupying __________? Klok Pool Water Mineral resources
67 Can the Electromagnetic Turret that can annihilate the Araki Robot be brought to Oblitus Wood by __________? Analisa Augustus
68 In Oblitus Wood, is the Huge Rock transported by Fulcheth ForestVaran used to make __________? Earth Guard Weapons and Armor
69 Before the appearance of the Black Knight, did the fish people in Candeo Marsh only live in __________? Candeo Core Thousand Water Marsh
70 Is the entrance to Cactakara ForestGydaie Glen found behind __________? Waterfall East City Ruins
71 Is the East City Ruins of Cactakara Forest now the living area of __________? Sheep's head, horse's body. Merfolk
72 Can the teleporter that teleports to the East City Ruins be attributed to __________? Phileppni Gathering Akas
73 Is Lunarin from Crescent Hill busy preparing for __________? Moonlit Festival Repair Flower Field
74 Gnomes of Crescent Hill Mistwalker Tribe, are they causing trouble under the orders of __________? Lion Tribe Dwarf
75 Parties inside the Alabastren Temple in Crescent Hill have been taken by __________? Envoy of Gaia‧Sonjuno Odum Ryan
76 When the Black Knight was serving as the leader of the knight order, did he want to save his wife at the top of Sky Tower, __________? medicine Soul Crystal
77 In Main, is the Villager in Crescent Hill Lunarin who competes with the player __________? Foreman Potter Young Man Halton
78 In the East City Ruins of Cactakara Forest, the Goat-headed Centaur is raging because __________ has been stolen? Scroll Halo Grass
79 Upon waking up from the initial dream, is the player's role in the fishing village __________? Official Defender Village Chief Auto-Drink
80 In the fishing port, is __________ the first workplace for player AwaySkandia? Logging Site Medical clinic
81 In Port Skandia, Flower stands in front of the statue ruins. Is it for __________? Interpreting Stone Statue Text Clean up the ruins.
82 Port Skandia's witch Elena's staff is broken and needs to absorb Energy again through __________? Gem Eidolons
83 Brian from Port Skandia brought the village chief of the fishing village into the Hidden Cave? Son Daughter
84 In Demarech Mines, who did the Black Knight take with him to understand the direction of the veins? Mayor Mason Old ManHarvey
85 Did Merchant Luther, who met again at Demarech Mines, previously meet the player for the first time at __________? Helonia Coast Crescent Hill
86 At the Marauder Temporary Camp in the mine, what does the player take from Marauding Leader Sama? Miracle Crystal Cube of Gaia
87 Did Helonia's Madeline and her daughter Selena live in __________ before moving to Helonia? Windmill Cottage Waterwheel Housing
88 In the Main of Helonia Coast, in order to fight against the Pirate, did Buka install __________ at Silverash Shores? Bomb Fishing net
89 In Main, is the purpose of going to Bella's Orchard in Helonia Coast to find the whereabouts of __________? Alchemist Pari Mayor's daughter Selena
90 In the Main of Helonia Coast, is the true culprit who threatens the townspeople and increases protection fees __________? Pirate Adjutant Balle Pirate leader Mok
91 In Triatio Highlands, is it __________ that sealed the Argus Lair with a Relic? Left-Wing ButterflyMaya Argus High Priest Zul'Zara
92 Is __________ the one locked in the cage at the Beast Statue Altar in Triatio Highlands? AvianPuckett Hunter Roger Jones
93 Does Akara want players to dig in the Endless Desert and what is dug up is __________? a Dragon Egg Flower of Life
94 In the Cactus Plateau of Star Sand Desert, is the King of Terror Birds, Ken, buffed with __________? Flower of Life a Dragon Egg
95 Is the exploration treasure project conducted in the Star Sand Desert called "__________"? Star Plan Galaxy Plan
96 In the Cracked Sand Plain of Star Sand Desert, what is the reason for the mercenaries' constant trembling, __________? Poisoned fear
97 The exploration team of Star Sand Desert discovered that Ozymand Temple has been intruded upon. The person who entered is __________. Caroline Akara
98 What is the reason for the rebellion of Tatiana, the lion tribe rebel in Ventos Prairie? Instigated by Akmu. Looking forward to Akumu becoming king.
99 In Ventos Prairie Main, players enter Wrathborne Temple to obtain __________? HerbTears of Ares medicine
100 In Ventos Prairie Main, what is the purpose of the gem carried into the Wrathborne Temple, __________? Restore Temple Seal Restore Staff parties
Guild Quiz Answers
# Question Answer
3001 What is the Black Knight's original name? Reinhardt
3002 Who is the person who took over Belenus as Grand Bishop? Imma
3003 What is the name of <Demon Queen> Delfonia's Dungeon? ShatteredNetherworld
3004 Which Demon King did <Soul Shatterer> Keres swear her loyalty to? Delfonia
3005 What is the name of <Templar> Victoria's father? Winston
3006 Who blocked Isai's attack while Isai was fighting against the main character? Mia
3007 Who is the Western Knight Captain of the Church? Yahrune
3008 In the Alabastren Temple, who is the Prince of Makar who hunts for power Odum
3009 What is the name of the Black Knight's wife? Luciana
3010 Who defeated the Thunder-Dragon King, the Sky Dragon King, Von
3011 What is Alina's favorite food? FriedTofu
3012 What is the name of the fox next to Alina? LittleJade
3013 Which God is Alina not good at dealing with? Amaterasu
3014 What is the name of Bealdor's sword? Sid
3015 Bealdor regrets losing his friend due to his ignorance. Which friend is it? Hel
3016 Which Eidolon does Bealdor think is arrogant and overconfident? Eligos
3017 Who is Kusanagi's master? Amaterasu
3018 Who was Kusanagi born from? Orochi
3019 What is Kusanagi's mecha made of? Scabbard
3020 What is the name of Yumikaze's bow? BeautyOfNature
3021 What is the name of the Yumikaze's eagle? Mayo
3022 Which Eidolon does Yumikaze often practise with? Kusanagi
3023 What is the name of the Astraea's Weapon? DuchessVictory
3024 What is the food that Astraea always want to try? TheGoldenApple
3025 Which Eidolon has praised Astraea's crafting skills? Tanith
3026 Does Cesela prefer day or night? Night
3027 Cesela was born under the Moon Shadow. Serena
3028 Which Eidolon does Cesela consider as the best harp player? Aelius
3029 What is the name of Diao Chan's fan? NewMoon
3030 Diao Chan can sometimes confuse Dwarf with other races? Gnomes
3031 Which Eidolon whom Diao Chan considered as always speaking Alucard
3032 Uriel once joined the Cesela band. What's the name of the band? TheMoonshadowBand
3033 Which Eidolon does Uriel consider as a very attractive girl? Hel
3034 Which Eidolon has been always hidden by Uriel? Uzuriel
3035 Who is Amaterasu's Elder Brother? Tsukuyomi
3036 What is the name of Amaterasu's weapon? SacredMirror
3037 What does Amaterasu describe life as? fire
3038 What is the name of Alice's cat companion and weapon? Ches
3039 Where does Alice come from? Wonderland
3040 Who was Alice's former Queen in Wonderland? TheQueenOfHearts
3041 In the Fame Quest "Haunted Mine", who left the ring that Grandmother
3042 In the Fame Quest "Haunted Mine," what is the name of the miner Garrin
3043 In the Fame Quest "Iron Soul," what is the title of the person MaverickLord
3044 In the Fame Quest "Iron Soul," what is the name of the main character's mech Rockman
3045 In the Fame Quest "Sinister Cult," what is the name of the first HermanoLadron
3046 In the Fame Quest "Sinister Cult," what is the Cult Leader's name? Dabo
3047 In the Fame Quest "Rescue Redd," you helped Sonia finding Redd. ChateauValentine
3048 In the Fame Quest "Rescue Redd," what is the relationship between HusbandAndWife
3049 In the Fame Quest "Fairy Tale Fallacy," what is the name of the Tanuki Goju
3050 In the Fame Quest "Fairy Tale Fallacy", what is the name of the Dessert Box TanukiSnackBox
3051 In the Fame Quest "Kingdom City Treasure", what is the class of Forlan Persia? TreasureExpert
3052 In the Fame Quest "Kingdom City Treasure", who do the four statues Prince
3053 Whose daughter is Mysterious Merchant Berluti in Port Morton? Ebazon
3054 What is the reason of Marta, the Stall Owner of Port Morton, Stomachache
3055 What is the name of the Grandma whom asked the main character to find Flora
3056 How much trash is Eco-Friendly Maiden Jeanne asking the main character 10
3057 According to Civil Servant Hakeem in Candetonn Hill, what is the Bowhorn Goat CottonCandy
3058 Who stole from Upstart Fordy in Candetonn Hill? Gardener
3059 Who is the person in Candetonn Hill who ran to the roof to spy? Boone
3060 What is the name of Hare Brotherhood Leader Buck's opponent in Candetonn Hill? Mikel
3061 In Viridian Steppe, where does Grandpa Edwin, who has been suffering from a JadeForest
3062 A photograph was found in the cart dropped by the Collectors Frodan
3063 Who did Simmons from Viridian Steppe invite to go to the crash site with him? Flo
3064 What is the food used in the "Hungry, Hungry Challenge" in Viridian Steppe? RoastTurkey
3065 In what region was the Bigear Primate in Desolate Valley trapped by scorpions MistyTreeValley
3066 How many times does the Mysterious Person in Desolate Valley require 5
3067 What is the name of the Gnome trapped by Plateau Iguana in Desolate Valley? Holt
3068 What is the name of the pet that the Little Girl Gloria in Desolate Valley Dearie
3069 What species does Finaro think caused the earthquake in Tanglevine Cascades? Demon
3070 What is the name of the old man in Tanglevine Cascades who catches fish Agustin
3071 After the death of the father of Harry Botter in Tanglevine Cascades, Luppin
3072 What does the Little Boy Gannen in Tanglevine Cascades plan to eat? Mushroom
3073 What does Romeo from Sunhunter's Vale describe his love for Juliet as? Waterfall
3074 Jeszan in Sunhunter's Vale overdosed on something and wants the main character Dreamleaf
3075 What is the dream job that Makar Viserion in Sunhunter's Vale left home for? Inventor
3076 What did Granny Soren in Sunhunter's Vale lost so she asked Ring
3077 Prince Charlie in Chronology Forest wants the main character to help him Aubrey
3078 Who in the Chronology Forest is bothered by their own deadly handsomeness? Jerome
3079 What is the troupe founded by Cori in Chronology Forest? JesterTroupe
3080 What can I obtain from the Small Treasure Chest found before the StrangeLeaflet
3081 What is the default shortcut key for the Inventory interface? B
3082 What is the default shortcut key for the Character interface? C
3083 What is the default shortcut key for the Eidolon Space interface? N
3084 What is the default shortcut key for the Mail interface? P
3085 What is the default shortcut key for the Skills interface? K
3086 What is the default shortcut key for the Quest interface? L
3087 What is the default shortcut key for the Guild interface? G
3088 What is the default shortcut key for the Item Mall interface? I
3089 What is the color of the numbers that represents Awakening Levels? Red
3090 How many rewards can you collect from "Daily Login" in a month? 28
3091 In the Gaia Chronicle, how many Eidolons can a team assign? 3
3092 What is the level required for choosing a Secondary Weapon and learning 40
3093 How many outfits can you equip in total? 5
3094 What level do you need to use the Holy Chest? 45
3095 How much money can you convert into 1 gold? 1000
3096 What's the minimum level required for Sky Tower participation? 60
3097 If you haven't signed in for a day in Daily Login, AuraKingdomLoginPatch
3098 How many Daily Quests can be taken from Mirabelle's Bulletin Board? 5
3099 If you want to refine equipment, which NPC should you find in Navea? Analisa
3100 If you want to evolve an Orange Quality Secret Stone, 70
3101 How many floats are there in Aura Kingdom's anniversary? 4
3102 What is the name of the game host of the float in Aura Kingdom's Anniversary? Marina
3103 What is the venue for the Anniversary Parade? Navea
3104 How many sessions are there in the parade in Aura Kingdom's Anniversary? 4
3105 How many buff can be obtained through the float in Aura Kingdom's Anniversary? 4
3106 How many hours does the buff obtained through the float last in 24
3107 Where can Rainbow Groves be found in the Daily Gathering Achievement? HeloniaCoast
3108 Where can the Mushrooms be found in the Daily Gathering Achievement? Navea
3109 Where can Nests of Twigs be found in the Daily Gathering Achievement? DemarechMines
3110 Where can Garlic Plants be found in the Daily Gathering Achievement? CandeoMarsh
3111 Where can Large Amber Ore be found in the Daily Gathering Achievement? TriatioHighlands
3112 Where can Blue Patterned Flowers be found in the Daily Gathering Achievement? EmeraldMarsh
3113 Where can Milk Barrels be found in the Daily Gathering Achievement? CandetonnHill
3114 Where can Crystalbead Blossom be found in the Daily Gathering Achievement? TanglevineCascades
3115 Where can Silver Gravel be found in the Daily Gathering Achievement? WhiteSpiritHill
3116 Where can Wild Hortensia be found in the Daily Gathering Achievement? WhiteSpiritHill
3117 What is the level required for a guild to start using items 5
3118 What is the level required for a guild to own a Guild Hall? 4
3119 What is the level required for a character to create a guild? 20
3120 How much does it take to establish a guild? 10
3121 In a Card Duel, how many cards can you allocate at a time? 5
3122 How many minutes does each connection with Eidolons last? 10
3123 Which attributes can be used to assign points besides DMG and CRIT? SPD
3124 Which attributes can be used to assign points besides HP and DEF? EVA
3125 When you talk to an Eidolon, how many conversation options will appear at once 3
3126 During Equipment Fortification, what is the Potential required for the 100
3127 How are called the pieces used to fortify equipment? Fragments
3128 How many Daily Logins do you need to get a Bonus Reward? 7
3129 What is the default shortcut key for the Map interface? M
3130 What is the default shortcut key for the System interface? Esc
3131 What is the dish that Kenny in Port Skandia eats with Barbie every day? GrilledFish
3132 Who is the recipient of the Medical Supply Crate found in Port Skandia? VillageDoctorCal
3133 Who is the girl waiting for in Port Skandia? father
3134 What creatures can be given to Millia as pets in Port Skandia? TinyBunnyhop
3135 What is Carmichael's job in Helonia Coast so that things operate normally? Windmill
3136 How much costs an apple sold by Seamus in Helonia Coast before the discount? 50
3137 Who asked Grandfather to tell a story in Helonia Coast? Hershey
3138 What is the full name of the pirates who occupied this area in Helonia Coast? CatseyePirates
3139 How many bunches of bananas does Nana of Crescent Hill plan to buy at the stall? 10
3140 Who in the Crescent Hill wants to raise Birdbrains to expand the farm? Clark
3141 Whose baby has disappeared in Crescent Hill and cannot sleep ever since? Gruff
3142 What techniques does Sue learn with green juice as a dye in the Crescent Hill? Makeup
3143 What flowers is Gnome Posey in Cactakara Forest looking for? PurpleLotus
3144 Who keeps fixing machines at night so that Gnome Kristin of Reuben
3145 Which waterfall Little Girl Mary of Cactakara Forest said will make RarnorFalls
3146 Which great Craftsman does Pam from Cactakara Forest dream to become? Montero
3147 How many children do Father Bo and Mother Bo in Demarech Mines have? 6
3148 What fruit did the Fruit Seller in Demarech Mines recommend to Traveler Kit? EcstasyFruit
3149 Which weapon does Street Rat Harry in Demarech Mines claims to be the king of? Slingshot
3150 Who lost the Guide Book found in a package in Demarech Mines? Rebecca