AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom Titles

Name Level Stat Type
Enlarged Lavalord Destroyer 70 HP +136
DEF +102
World Boss
Dominating Duskfall Dancer Destroyer 70 CRIT +41
HP +136
World Boss
Enormous Eclipse Rabbit King Destroyer 75 SPD +44
EVA +89
World Boss
Colossal Cult Leader Destroyer 75 DMG +74
CRIT +44
World Boss
Guardian's Pray 90 DMG +31 Instance
Guardian's Righteousness 90 DMG +61 Instance
Stud Fixer 90 DMG +31 Instance
Forever Young 90 DMG +61 Instance
Heatwave 95 Instance
Go back home 95 Instance
Nature Sage 95 Instance
So long Farewell 95 Instance
Fiber to improve digestion! 95 Instance
Pop Star 999 Event
Retired staff 101 DMG +31 Instance
Farewell 101 DMG +61 Instance
What's Yours is Mine 95 DMG +31 Instance
Eternal Parting 95 DMG +61 Instance
The Winning Strike 95 HP +50 Instance
Unlimited Power! 95 DMG +25 Instance
Ravishing Demon Queen 95 HP +50 Instance
Ravishing Demon Beauty 95 DMG +25 Instance
Power Overload 101 Instance
Holy Light's Return 101 DMG +31 Instance
Transcendent Deity 101 DMG +61 Instance
Epic Dawn 101 DMG +31 Instance
Bright Boundary 101 DMG +61 Instance
Hall of Philae Detective 90 Archaeology
Master Archaeologist 90 Archaeology
Super Rocker 90 Archaeology
I've switched to tomato juice, it's less murdery. 105 Instance
Big Hearty Laugh 105 Instance
Liberate the Slaves 105 Instance
Passing Through the Fire 105 Instance
Fly High 105 Instance
Pandemonium Troublemaker 105 Instance
Absolute Infatuation 105 Instance
Molten Core Adventurer 105 Instance
Core's End 105 Instance
Unloved Big Sister 105 DMG +31 Instance
Big Sister is not listening 105 DMG +61 Instance
The Last Resistence 106 DMG +31 Instance
Centaur Glory 106 DMG +61 Instance
Blood Frenzy 105 Instance
Unable to Withstand 105 HP +50 Instance
Can't You Go Home? 105 DMG +25 Instance
Ends of the Earth 105 HP +50 Instance
I'll Find You 105 DMG +25 Instance
Mischievous King 50 Instance
Bloodsucker Enrichment 105 Instance