AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
<Sly Butler> Uloni - 1 General
<Loyal Servant> Gehoff - 1 General
<Dark Wizard> Covetia - 1 General
Magic Box - 1 General
Magic Box - 1 General
<Horcrux> Covetia - 1 General
<Astronomer> Woodlandia - 1 General
<Mysterious Creatures> Ancientos - 1 General
Propulsion Unit Debris - 1 General
<Communication Expert> Penelope - 1 General
Christmas Tree - 1 Interactive Object
Cotton Candy Cart - 1 Interactive Object
Cooking Table - 1 General
Drifting Cargo - 1 General
Innes IV - 1 General
Injured Owl - 1 General
<Ms. Amnesia> Avril - 1 General
Hard Watermelon - 1 Interactive Object
Messy Tree - 1 General
<Eye of the Abyss> King of the Dead - 1 General
<Legendary Mascot> Guardian Spirit - 1 General
<Legendary Mascot> Kitsune - 1 General
<Legendary Mascot> Capybara - 1 General
<Legendary Mascot> Civet - 1 General
<Legendary Celebration Ambassador> Yamito - 1 General
Dorothy - 1 General
Ultimate Robot - 1 General
High Templar - 1 Summoned Object
Battle Chaplain - 1 Summoned Object
Battle Priest - 1 Summoned Object
Battle Oracle - 1 Summoned Object
Gnome Warrior - 1 General
Armed Older Makar 2 - 1 Boss Monster
Special Ops Squad - 1 General
Vulture Garrison Soldier - 1 General
Vulture Garrison Captain - 1 General
Rainmist Dell Healer - 1 General
Rainmist Dell Healer - 1 General
Emerald Town Reservist - 1 General
Wheeled Catapult - 1 General
Meiya - 1 General
<Demon Queen> Delfonia - 1 General
Machine Gun Turret - 1 Summoned Object
<Western Knight Leader> Yahrune - 1 General
Forest Guard 1 General Monster
<Western Knight Leader> Yahrune - 1 General
<Soul Shatterer> Keres - 1 General
<Soul Shatterer> Keres - 1 General
<Western Knight Leader> Yahrune - 1 General
<Soul Shatterer> Keres - 1 General