AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
Small Stone - 1 Interactive Object
Golden Sunflower - 1 Interactive Object
Acadian Mushroom - 1 Interactive Object
Discarded Tackle Box - 1 Interactive Object
Magic Box - 1 Interactive Object
Dredged Mound - 1 Interactive Object
Thick Bush - 1 Interactive Object
Water Sprite Flower - 1 Interactive Object
Strange Slate - 1 Interactive Object
Ancient Dragon Egg - 1 Interactive Object
Hint Spotlight - 1 Interactive Object
Spiderling Egg - 1 Interactive Object
Trapped Dimetrodon - 1 Interactive Object
Hint Spotlight - 1 Interactive Object
Pathfinding Spotlight - 1 Interactive Object
Wood Pile - 1 Interactive Object
Infant Dragon - 1 Interactive Object
Perfectly Grilled Corn - 1 Interactive Object
Mysterious Cactoid - 1 Interactive Object
Army Banner - 1 Interactive Object
Energy Crystal Ore - 1 Interactive Object
Old Bottle - 1 Interactive Object
Combustibles - 1 Interactive Object
Firecracker-shaped candy pack - 1 Interactive Object
Wood Pile - 1 Interactive Object
Raised Mound - 1 Interactive Object
Scattered Supplies - 1 Interactive Object
Small Stone - 1 Interactive Object
Raised Mound - 1 Interactive Object
Small Stone - 1 Interactive Object
Small Stone - 1 Interactive Object
Scattered Artemisia - 1 Interactive Object
Illusion Crystal - 1 Interactive Object
Small Stone - 1 Interactive Object
Glacial Wall - 1 Interactive Object
Strange Bag - 1 Interactive Object
Stall - 1 Interactive Object
Mound - 1 Interactive Object
Bucket of Honey - 1 Interactive Object
Scattered Realgar Wine - 1 Interactive Object
Ancient Box - 1 Interactive Object
Inconspicuous Box - 1 Interactive Object
Fire Wall - 1 Interactive Object
Pear Flowers - 1 Interactive Object
Small Pumpkin - 1 Interactive Object
Wild Forest Mushrooms - 1 Interactive Object
Beer Keg - 1 Interactive Object
Placeholder - 1 Interactive Object
Wood Pile - 1 Interactive Object
Drunken Lily Beetle - 1 Interactive Object