AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
Crate Containing Sealed Pangarian - 80 Interactive Object
Screeching Voidbat 85 General Monster
Hanba Berserker - 86 Elite Monster
Icefrost Guard 86 General Monster
Mummified Shaman 87 Elite Monster
Meteor Shot - 87 Elite Monster
Summon Magic Circle - 1 General
<The Heartless One> Phaedrus - 75 Boss Monster
<Midnight Sovereign> Nocturnus - 75 Boss Monster
<Frostblood Flower> Galigo - 75 Boss Monster
<Crazed Tail> Skirr - 87 Elite Monster
<Striped Reaper> Zeebris 88 Elite Monster
<Lava Beast> Belleck 86 Boss Monster
<Hanba Warlord> Gusto 87 Boss Monster
<Rimetooth Dragon> Zahr-Kazaal 88 Boss Monster
Plagued Bobcat - 84 General Monster
Hanba Conjurer - 85 Elite Monster
<Spined Warlord> Pangarian - 88 Elite Monster
<Abyssal Nightmare> Desdemonia - 89 Elite Monster
<Obsidian Horror> Extermodon 87 Elite Monster
<White Wind> Tavorth 88 Elite Monster
<Primal Howl> Caesarius 88 Elite Monster
<Armor of Sin> Iniquitus 89 Elite Monster
Crate Containing Sealed Extermodon - 80 Interactive Object
Egg Containing Sealed Tavorth - 80 Interactive Object
Urn Containing Sealed Caesarius - 80 Interactive Object
Crate Containing Sealed Iniquitus - 80 Interactive Object
<Crystal Horn> Harvath - 75 Boss Monster
<Zubat Overlord> Lloyd - 75 Boss Monster
<King Claw> Schneider - 75 Boss Monster
Available - 72 General
Starfruit Bush - 1 Interactive Object
Crystalbead Blossom - 1 Interactive Object
Screeching Voidbat 85 General Monster
Hanba Berserker - 86 Elite Monster
Icefrost Guard 86 General Monster
Mummified Shaman 87 Elite Monster
<Ancient Giant Tree> Orosky - 85 Boss Monster
<Crimson Blood Spider> Gyrott - 85 Boss Monster
Marsh Caps - 1 Interactive Object
Solar Honey Tree - 1 Interactive Object
Weathered Unrefined Ore - 1 General
Element Fossil - 1 General
Emerald Crystal - 1 General
Contaminated Vein - 1 General
<Riverside Predator> Iraifitt - 85 Boss Monster
<Sludge Spreader> Leike - 85 Boss Monster
<Mercurial Poison> Sangray - 85 Boss Monster
<Chattering Ice Lord> Ukks - 85 Boss Monster
Mine Available ID Undefined - 60 General