AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
Flame Colossus - 85 General
Burning Shadowstone 85 Elite Monster
Holy Stone 85 Elite Monster
Possessed Puppet - 85 Boss Monster
<Flamecaller> Ghodroon 85 Boss Monster
<Flamecaller> Ghodroon 85 Boss Monster
<Wandering Cow Tribesman> Torian - 85 Boss Monster
Dream Shards 85 General Monster
Frost Colossus - 85 General Monster
<Trampling Thunder> Bahadur 85 Boss Monster
Possessed Puppet - 85 Boss Monster
Fiendish Soul - 85 General Monster
<Nightmare Reaper> Scheel 85 Boss Monster
Raging Scarlet Rhino - 85 General Monster
Raging Azure Boar - 85 General Monster
Christmas Present - 85 General Monster
Phase Transition - 85 General Monster
Residual Flame - 85 General Monster
Sublimation Residue - 85 General Monster
Possessed Puppet - 85 Boss Monster
Frost Matrix - 85 General Monster
<Instant Love Bow> Venus 85 Boss Monster
Gaia's Creation Treasure Box - 85 Boss Monster
Urn With Sealed Sonikake - 85 Interactive Object
Purple Forest Fairy - 85 General
Sand Cave Vigilant - 85 Elite Monster
Weirdpaw Otter - 85 General
<Illusory Destiny> Banisher Kayel 85 Boss Monster
Sand Cave Mage - 85 Elite Monster
<Illusory Destiny> Banisher Kayel 85 Boss Monster
<Illusory Destiny> Banisher Kayel 85 Boss Monster
Destiny's Treasure Chest - Chapter Nine - 85 Boss Monster
Wall of Worship - 85 General
<Illusory Destiny> Banisher Kayel 85 Boss Monster
Bigpaw Otter - 85 General
Forest Guard 85 General Monster
<Sludge Spreader> Leike - 85 Boss Monster
Gaia's Creation Treasure Box - 85 Boss Monster
<Heroic Glory> Tyr 85 Boss Monster
Charming Sweetheart Cannon 85 Summoned Object
Lupine Ice Rock 85 Elite Monster
Fiend Totem - 85 Summoned Object
18th Wave of Shadow Disciples 85 Elite Monster
<Illusory Destiny> Odum Ryan 85 Boss Monster
Forest Elder - 85 General
Otherworld Alanome Bonfire - 85 General Monster
Miasma 85 Summoned Object
Miasma 85 Summoned Object
<Illusory Destiny> Talamund 85 Boss Monster
Otherworld Gate 85 Elite Monster