Basic Information
Type Lucky Pack
Quality Rare
Max Stack 100
Sell Price 10
Detailed Information
ID: 63394

Dimensional Fissure Chest (Non-tradable)

Cannot trade.

This reward proves you've killed the Ancient Demon Lord at the frontlines.
Right-click to obtain one of the following items:
Proof of Dimensional Weapon x1
Treasure Charm (Non-Tradable) x5
Intermediate Treasure Charm (Non-Tradable) x3
Advanced Treasure Charm (Non-Tradable) x2
Premium Treasure Charm (Non-Tradable) x1
5,000 Loyalty Points x1
3,000 Loyalty Points x1
1000 Loyalty Points x1
500 Loyalty Points x1

There is also a chance you'll get the following items:
Loyalty Points Lucky Pack: 50000 Points (Non-Tradable) x1
Mail Reward