Basic Information
Type Lucky Pack
Quality Normal
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 62994

Flat Devil Wing Gacha (Back)

In the dark night, these elegant and gorgeous devil wings are entangled with metal thorns. As magnificent as they appear, others dare not approach.

Right click to use and earn one of the following items:
Back-Enchanting Devil Wings x1
Back-Ice Thorn Devil Wings x1
Back-Devil Wings x1
Back-Devil Wings (3d) x1
Monster XP Book x4
Book of Awakening x2
Advanced Treasure Charm x1
Intermediate Treasure Charm x1
Treasure Charm x2
Medium Eidolon XP Crystal x2
Radiant Eidolon XP Crystal x1
Mysterious Emblem Chest x2
Healing Potion x2