Basic Information
Type Lucky Pack
Quality Normal
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 62966

Techno Lover Lucky Pack(Body)

Inside the spacious coat is a close-fitting ultra-short jumpsuit, start with this piece to join the future fashion.

Right-click to use and obtain one of the following items:
Hand-dyed Body-Techno Lover(F) x1
Body-Techno Lover(F) x1
Body-Techno Lover(F)(3 Days) x1
Monster Experience Book x4
Awakening Experience Book x2
Advanced Treasure Charm x1
Intermediate Treasure Charm x1
Treasure Charm x2
Eidolons Experience Crystal(Medium) x2
Eidolons Experience Crystal(Brilliant) x1
Unidentified Emblem Treasure Box x2
HP Heal Potion x2