Basic Information
Type Lucky Pack
Quality Secret
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 61296

Gorgeous Accessories and Mounts Lucky Pack

Cannot trade. Cannot be stored in the shared warehouse.

A Lucky Pack that contains a variety of elegant accessories and mounts. Open to receive one of the following accessories or mounts
Miraculous Blessing Necklace x1
Miraculous Blessing Cape x1
Miraculous Blessing Ring x1
Eternal Necklace x1
Eternal Cape x1
Eternal Ring x1
Energized Armored Kaiju x1
Abyssal Armored Kaiju x1
Nightshadow Soaring Lion King x1
Brightsky Soaring Lion King x1
Aurora Winged Horse x1
Nightfury Winged Horse x1
Aoandon's Netherworld Lantern x1
Aoandon's Dark Sakura Lantern x1
Flaming Crystalline Dragon x1
Charred Crystalline Dragon x1
Energized Armored Kaiju (15 Days) x1
Abyssal Armored Kaiju (15 Days) x1
Nightshadow Soaring Lion King (15 Days) x1
Brightsky Soaring Lion King (15 Days) x1
Aurora Winged Horse (15 Days) x1
Nightfury Winged Horse (15 Days) x1
Aoandon's Netherworld Lantern (15 Days) x1
Aoandon's Dark Sakura Lantern (15 Days) x1
Flaming Crystalline Dragon (15 Days) x1
Charred Crystalline Dragon (15 Days) x1

You will also receive the following items:
Nightmare Fragment: Frost Prison x9