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Type Consumables
Quality Rare
Detailed Information
ID: 46854

Excerpts from the Ice and Thunder Manual(7 Days)(Non-tradable)

Cannot trade.

Increase Armor Piercing Value by 10.
Increase Evasion probability by 15%.
When attacking, there is a chance to apply "Ice Lightning Mark" to the target, increasing damage taken from ice and Holy Flash attributes by 10%, reducing total DEF by 10%, MOVE SPD by 15%, CRIT DMG by 15%, lasting for 5 seconds. Can be triggered once every 10 seconds.
When attacking, gain "Realm Limit" status, increasing Penetration by 2%, ice and Holy Flash attribute Skill Damage by 15%, reducing damage taken from ice and Holy Flash attributes by 10%, lasting for 10 seconds.
While in "Realm Limit" status, when attacking a target with "Ice Lightning Mark", additionally reduce total DEF by 5%, MOVE SPD by 15%, CRIT DMG by 15%, Tenacity by 2%, and Blood Armor Value by 2.5%, lasting for 5 seconds. Can be triggered once every 10 seconds.

Combining the dual attributes of ice and lightning, this secret technique freezes objects and pushes the limits of speed and movement, making the world seem still.

Right-click for the effect of the Duel Card: Ice Lightning Field.
The duration of the BUFF ability is 30 minutes.
The cooldown time is 30 minutes.
Only one secret technique effect can exist at a time.