Basic Information
Type Consumables
Quality Rare
Detailed Information
ID: 46853

Excerpts from the Secret Manual of Wind and Fire(7 Days)(Non-tradable)

Cannot trade.

Increase Armor Piercing Value by 5.
Increase MOVE SPD by 10%.
Increase HP by 20%.
When attacking, there is a chance to apply "Mark of Storm and Flame" to the target, increasing damage taken from Storm and fire attributes by 10%, reducing CRIT rate by 10%, increasing CRIT damage by 25%, increasing Tenacity by 2%, lasting for 5 seconds. Can be triggered once every 10 seconds.
When attacking, gain the "Peak of Extremity" state, increasing CRIT damage cap by 20%, increasing Storm and fire attribute Skill Damage by 15%, reducing damage taken from Storm and fire attributes by 10%, lasting for 10 seconds.
While in the "Peak of Extremity" state, when attacking a target with the "Mark of Storm and Flame" state, the effect of "Storm and Flame Integration" is enhanced to increase Armor Piercing Value by 10, MOVE SPD by 15%, HP by 30%, Penetration by 2%, lasting for 5 seconds. Can be triggered once every 10 seconds.

Combining the dual attributes of wind and fire, the secret technique thrives through mutual growth and constant interaction, giving rise to a powerful energy flow known as Explosion.

Right-click for the effect of the Duel Card: Storm and Flame Integration.

The duration of the BUFF effect is 30 minutes.

The cooldown time is 30 minutes.

Only one type of secret technique effect can exist at a time.