Basic Information
Type Consumables
Quality Rare
Detailed Information
ID: 41888

New Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountain

Binds on Equip.

Within one hour after use, you cannot obtain the effect of "New Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountain" again.

From the essence of the legendary military strategy, a new mastery is understood, which can awaken inner potential and gain extraordinary power. Its effect in battle is outstanding, allowing our party's deck level to reach new heights.

Right-click for a Duel Card: New Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountain BUFF effect.
During the duration:
-Penetration increased by 10%
-Damage dealt increased by 10%
-Main weapon damage increased by 10%
-Every 3 seconds when attacking, apply one of the following random skills to surrounding friendly units within 10m for 3 seconds:
-Swift as the Wind: Movement speed increased by 10%
-Fierce Attack like a forest: Damage dealt to bosses increased by 10%
-Invasion like fire: Physical attribute and all skill damage increased by 10%
-Fierce as a mountain: Critical damage dealt to bosses increased by 20%

There is a chance when attacking to extend the duration and increase the effect by half for the above four effects, lasting 3 seconds.

The duration of the BUFF abilities is 1 hour.
The cooldown time is 1 hour.