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Type Consumables
Quality Rare
Detailed Information
ID: 41559

High Torque Speed Motor

Binds on Equip.

Prevents the High Torque Speed Motor from starting again. This special effect lasts for 1 hour.

Powered by Relic gears, the ultra-futuristic technology motor can unleash the untapped potential of the user's brain, allowing them to unleash extraordinary parties and conquer all beings.

Right-click for a Duel Card: High-torque variable speed motor BUFF effect.
During the time:
-Pogun increases by 20 points.
-All attribute and physical characteristic skills deal 10% more DMG.
-Gain 20% more specialized experience points from monster hunting.
-When attacking, reduce the total MOVE SPD of the target by 25% for 3 seconds, with a cooldown of 10 seconds.
-When landing a CRIT, gain "Love Explosion" which increases CRIT DMG by 5% and raises the CRIT DMG cap by 5% for 3 seconds, stackable up to 4 layers.
-When attacking, there is a 5% chance to cause four Battering and a 1% chance to cause six Battering, with a cooldown of 3 seconds.
-When attacking, there is a chance to give the target "Parity Blow" which increases the DMG received by 20% for 3 seconds, with a cooldown of 10 seconds.
-When being attacked, there is a chance to give the target "Electrostatic Interference" which causes the Sealed effect for 3 seconds, with a cooldown of 10 seconds. Additionally, Electrostatic Interference will transfer to friendly targets within a certain range for 3 seconds. Each friendly target can only be affected once every 10 seconds.

The duration of the BUFF effect is 1 hour.
The cooldown time is 1 hour.
The effect cannot coexist with "Relic Gear-Code:06 (Non-tradable)", "Glory Orb (Main Star)", "Holy Orb", or "聖天魂靈珠".
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