Basic Information
Type Star Caller
Quality Rare
Sell Price 219
Repair Cost 1
Detailed Information
ID: 21474Strengthen:

Magic Realm Gold Reinforced Draco-Puppet

ATK SPD 1.8s

Binds on Equip.
Character Level 65 and above
ATK Bonus
Durability 100 / 100

DMG +27888
CRIT +711
SPD +513
HP +2110
Move SPD +5%
Starlight Whirlwind CRIT Rate +15%
Every attack has an 8% chance to activate Magic Realm Powers, which increases CRIT DMG by 35% for 15 secs.

Fortification +9: ACC +2%
Fortification +15: CRIT DMG +5%
Fortification +18: DMG +1%
Move SPD +2%
Fortification +20: DMG +2%
CRIT +2%
HP +2%
ACC +4%
Fortification +25: DMG +3%
Move SPD +3%
ACC +2%
Fortification +30: DMG +3%
SPD +3%
ACC +4%
Move SPD +3%

Holy Power Lv1: DMG +86
Holy Power Lv2: DMG +172
Dragon Points gained +4%
Holy Power Lv3: DMG +258
Dragon Points gained +8%
Holy Power Lv4: HP +106
DMG +2% against Holy targets
Holy Power Lv5: HP +211
DMG +5% against Holy targets
Holy Power Lv6: HP +317
DMG +10% against Holy targets

"This illusionary Draco-Puppet possesses the resentment of the Demon General's death. It absorbs the souls of those the Demon General has killed, and its power will never fade."
Contained In
Adventure Encyclopedia
Product Materials