Basic Information
Type Sealed Book
Quality Normal
Max Stack 99
Cost 1000
Sell Price 100
Profession Gaia Chronicle
Profession Level 50
Storage Refining Bank
Detailed Information
Sold By
Gaia Chronicles
NPC Battles
Rotten Poisonous Mushroom Ancient Walled City I
Ancient Walled City II
Ancient Walled City III
Odd Magic Mushroom Ancient Walled City IV
Ancient Walled City V
Ancient Walled City I
Ancient Walled City II
Ancient Walled City III
Ancient Walled City IV
Ancient Walled City V
Skeleton King Ancient Walled City I
Toxic Troll Ancient Walled City II
Dark Demon Lord Ancient Walled City III
Battle Magic Lord Ancient Walled City IV
<Brutal Tyrant>
Ancient Walled City V
Holy Crystal Captain City of Angels I
City of Angels II
City of Angels III
Holy Crystal Commander City of Angels IV
City of Angels V
City Guard Statue 1 City of Angels I
City Guard Statue 2 City of Angels II
Holy Unicorn City of Angels III
Night-shrouded Unicorn City of Angels IV
<Dark Angel>
City of Angels V
Wide Range Machine Gun Gate of Judgment I
Gate of Judgment II
Gate of Judgment III
Medium Machine Gun Gate of Judgment IV
Gate of Judgment V
Alpa Gate of Judgment I
Steford Gate of Judgment II
Aidis Gate of Judgment III
Teles Gate of Judgment IV
<Guardian Angel>
Gate of Judgment V
Joyful Wobbling Chicken Tree of Knowledge I
Tree of Knowledge II
Tree of Knowledge III
Jubilant Wobbling Chicken Tree of Knowledge IV
Tree of Knowledge V
Ancient Sapling Tree of Knowledge I
Archaic Holy Tree Tree of Knowledge II
Gale Antsy Banhabi Tree of Knowledge III
Forest Antsy Banhabi Tree of Knowledge IV
<Keeper Angel>
Tree of Knowledge V
Mammon Skeleton Soldier Angel Tears Spring I
Angel Tears Spring II
Angel Tears Spring III
Mammon Private Angel Tears Spring IV
Angel Tears Spring V
Angel Tears Spring I
Angel Tears Spring II
Angel Tears Spring III
Angel Tears Spring IV
Angel Tears Spring V
Mummified Apostle Angel Tears Spring I
Fallen Servant Angel Tears Spring II
Awakened Mummy Angel Tears Spring III
Demonic Mummy Angel Tears Spring IV
Angel Tears Spring V
Galaxy Youngling Dragon Galaxy Bridge I
Galaxy Bridge II
Galaxy Bridge III
Galaxy Snow Dragon Galaxy Bridge IV
Galaxy Bridge V
Wild Griffin Galaxy Bridge I
Purebred Griffin Galaxy Bridge II
Coal-winged Dragon Galaxy Bridge IV
<Divine Flame Angel>
Galaxy Bridge V
Gigantic Feral Beast Ancient Battlefield I
Ancient Battlefield II
Ancient Battlefield III
Feral Beast Ancient Battlefield IV
Ancient Battlefield V
Ancient Battlefield I
Ancient Battlefield II
Ancient Battlefield III
Ancient Battlefield IV
Ancient Battlefield V
Eastern Demon Lord Ancient Battlefield I
Western Demon Lord Ancient Battlefield II
Southern Demon Lord Ancient Battlefield III
Northern Demon Lord Ancient Battlefield IV
<Demon Lord>
Ancient Battlefield V
Undead Amethyst Aura Kingdom's Gate I
Aura Kingdom's Gate II
Aura Kingdom's Gate III
Void Obsidian Aura Kingdom's Gate IV
Aura Kingdom's Gate V
Aura Kingdom Grounds Keeper Aura Kingdom's Gate I
Aura Kingdom Manager Aura Kingdom's Gate II
Aura Kingdom Caretaker Aura Kingdom's Gate III
Aura Kingdom Guardian Aura Kingdom's Gate IV
<Guardian Angel>
Aura Kingdom's Gate V
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