Basic Information
Type Boots
Quality Secret
Sell Price 91
Detailed Information
ID: 10382Strengthen:

Boots of the Devourer

Cannot trade.
Character Level 60 and above
DEF Bonus

DEF +768
CRIT +408
HP +1401
EVA +631
EVA +1%

Fortification +9: Max HP +1%
Fortification +15: CRIT DMG +1%
Fortification +18: EVA +1%
Earned XP +3%
Fortification +20: Max HP +2%
EVA +2%
Fortification +25: DMG +2%
EVA +2%
XP gained +3%
Fortification +30: Max HP +3%
EVA +2%

Residue of the Devourer (3/3)
Boots of the Devourer
Set Bonus:
Damage against bosses +15%
8% chance of activating Insatiable Hunger on successful evasion, which increases SPD by 1183 and CRIT DMG +20% for 15 seconds

This pair of boots was designed with embellishments on the side that clash while you're walking, making for an echoing and genuinely obnoxious sound. A demonic power resides inside them, because who else but demons would design such an annoying pair o
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