Basic Information
Type Trophy
Quality Magic
Sell Price 91
Detailed Information
ID: 10269Strengthen:

Argus's Stone Heart

Binds on Equip.
Character Level 50 and above

CRIT +237
SPD +217
EVA +381
EVA +341.
Every attack has a 4% chance of tapping into Argus' Aura, increasing CRIT by 341 CRIT DMG by 10% for 15 seconds

Fortification +9: Move SPD +1%
Fortification +15: Max HP +1%
Fortification +18: Move SPD +1%
Max HP +1%
Fortification +20: DMG +2%
Max HP +2%
Fortification +25: DMG +3%
Max HP +3%
Fortification +30: DMG +3%
Max HP +3%
Move SPD +1%

"After Argus died, his fleshy heart transformed into a firm, solid Stone Heart. Only a bit of magic still pulsates within the bulbous granite object."
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