AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom Titles

Name Level Stat Type
Heartbreak Casanova 66 HP +72 Instance
Grounded 1 Instance
Big Sister is not listening 105 DMG +61 Instance
Hot Body 50 EVA +4 Eidolons
The Last Resistence 106 DMG +31 Instance
Centaur Glory 106 DMG +61 Instance
Dancing Queen 66 HP +36 Instance
Dance Fever 50 CRIT +4 Eidolons
Grim Reality 50 HP +20 Eidolons
Unloved Big Sister 105 DMG +31 Instance
Human Air Purifier 120 Instance
Powerful Fists 50 EVA +4 Eidolons
Demon Purge Specialist 75 DMG +61 Instance
Lights Out! 50 CRIT +4 Eidolons
Shadow Melter 1 Instance
Six Pack Abs 50 HP +20 Eidolons
Shadowsmasher 1 Instance
Scythe for Sore Eyes 75 DMG +31 Instance
Core's End 105 Instance
Pandemonium Troublemaker 105 Instance
Absolute Infatuation 105 Instance
Fly High 105 Instance
Big Hearty Laugh 105 Instance
I've switched to tomato juice, it's less murdery. 105 Instance
Liberate the Slaves 105 Instance
Super Rocker 90 Archaeology
The Magnificent 1 Character Level
Hall of Philae Detective 90 Archaeology
Epic Dawn 101 DMG +31 Instance
Bright Boundary 101 DMG +61 Instance
Holy Light's Return 101 DMG +31 Instance
Transcendent Deity 101 DMG +61 Instance
Master Treasure Hunter 1 Archaeology
Master Archaeologist 90 Archaeology
Passing Through the Fire 105 Instance
Molten Core Adventurer 105 Instance
One Heart, One Mind 110 Instance
Master Key Guardian 1 Archaeology
Power Overload 101 Instance
Master Seal Breaker 1 Archaeology
Bull-Headed 1 Instance
Statue Repair Master 1 Archaeology
Upon the Sea 1 Instance
Master Mechanism Dismantler 1 Archaeology
Water Dragon Queen 1 Instance
Ravishing Demon Beauty 95 DMG +25 Instance
Unlimited Power! 95 DMG +25 Instance
Sweet and Innocent 1 Instance
The Winning Strike 95 HP +50 Instance
Ravishing Demon Queen 95 HP +50 Instance