AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
Otherworld Tomb Treasure Chest - 90 Boss Monster
Otherworld Toxic Beauty 79 General Monster
Otherworld Toxic Beauty 79 General Monster
Otherworld Treasure Chest in Hidden Valley - 115 Boss Monster
Otherworld Tree Guard - 80 General Monster
<Otherworld Tribal Chief> Taluda 60 Boss Monster
<Otherworld Tribal Chief> Taluda 65 Boss Monster
Otherworld Tunnel Treasure - 60 Boss Monster
Otherworld Twilight Forest Treasure Chest - 80 Boss Monster
Otherworld Twilight Forest Treasure Chest - 80 Boss Monster
Otherworld Twilight Forest Treasure Chest (Hell Mode) - 80 Boss Monster
Otherworld Unholy Patrolman 82 Elite Monster
Otherworld Unholy Patrolman 82 Elite Monster
<Otherworld Varan Foreman> Qulun - 65 Boss Monster
<Otherworld Varan Foreman> Qulun - 60 Boss Monster
Otherworld Varan Hunter - 59 General Monster
Otherworld Varan Hunter - 64 General Monster
Otherworld Venemous Cave Arachnid - 75 General Monster
Otherworld Venemous Cave Arachnid - 70 General Monster
Otherworld Void - 1 General
Otherworld Weirdo - 101 General Monster
<Otherworld Winged Duke> Awaydas 120 Boss Monster
<Otherworld Winged Duke> Awaydas 120 Boss Monster
<Otherworld Winged Duke> Awaydas 120 Boss Monster
<Otherworld Winged Duke> Awaydas 82 Boss Monster
<Otherworld Winged Duke> Awaydas 81 Boss Monster
<Otherworld Winged Duke> Awaydas 120 Boss Monster
<Otherworld Woodbeast> Noripan 65 Boss Monster
<Otherworld Woodbeast> Noripan 60 Boss Monster
Otherworld Zone Treasure - 60 Boss Monster
Otohime - 75 General Monster
Otohime - 1 General
Otto - 105 General
Outer Swirl - 99 Summoned Object
Outsider Armor - 70 Boss Monster
Outsider Bog Monster - 60 Boss Monster
Outsider Colossus - 60 Boss Monster
Outsider Dragon - 70 Boss Monster
Outsider Magician - 50 Boss Monster
<Outsider Warlord> Arkham - 99 Boss Monster
Oval Dumpling - 25 Interactive Object
Overbearing Woman - 99 General
Overfed Turkey - 1 General
<Overload> Treasure - Crystal of Laziness 128 Boss Monster
[Overload] Treasure - Crystal of Laziness - 128 General Monster
[Overload] Treasure - Crystal of Laziness 128 Boss Monster
[Overload] Treasure - Crystal of Laziness 125 Boss Monster
[Overload] Treasure - Crystal of Laziness - 125 General Monster
<OW: Amethyst Golem> Diavolo 119 Boss Monster
<OW: Amethyst Golem> Diavolo 119 Boss Monster