AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
Iron Armordillo - 99 General Monster
Guardian of the Flowers - 99 General Monster
Tsukuyomi - 1 General
<One in a Hundred> Proposal Flower - 99 Elite Monster
<One in a Thousand> Proposal Flower 99 Elite Monster
<One in a Million> Proposal Flower 99 Boss Monster
Dark Flame Crystal Ore - 99 General Monster
Crystal Shadow - 99 General Monster
War Totem 66 General Monster
<Competitive Eater> King of Gluttony - 99 Boss Monster
Protector of Plants - 99 Elite Monster
Competition Guard - 99 General Monster
Heavy Security Bot 29 Elite Monster
Small Bug Egg - 99 Interactive Object
Burnt Turkey - 1 Interactive Object
Big Bug Egg - 99 Interactive Object
Ancient Sickle Spiderling - 99 General Monster
Ancient Sickle Spiderling - 99 General Monster
Portal Entrance - 99 General
Ancient Sickle Spiderling - 99 General Monster
<Sickle Spiderling Queen> The Reaper - 99 Boss Monster
Halloween Zashi - 1 General
<Sickle Spiderling Queen> The Reaper - 99 Boss Monster
Guardian of the Flowers - 99 General Monster
Buffy - 1 General
<Sickle Spiderling Queen> The Reaper - 99 Boss Monster
Sakuya-hime - 1 General
Seal of Water - 55 Boss Monster
Seal of Darkness - 55 Boss Monster
Seal of Fire - 55 Boss Monster
Seal of Thunder - 55 Boss Monster
Anemometer - 1 Interactive Object
Makar Bandit - 30 General Monster
<Devilish Sprout> Young Seedling - 99 General Monster
Lighting Spot of Hint - 20 General
Demon Crystal - 99 General Monster
Valuable Treasure Chest - 11 Interactive Object
Valuable Chest - 21 Interactive Object
Fishing Tackle - 1 Interactive Object
Makar Sorcerer - 30 General Monster
Valuable Chest - 31 Interactive Object
Valuable Chest - 41 Interactive Object
Valuable Chest - 46 Interactive Object
Valuable Chest - 51 Interactive Object
Valuable Treasure Chest - 56 Interactive Object
Svud - 1 General
Shrine Guardian - 31 Elite Monster
Cenobite Warrior - 99 General Monster
Cenobite Wizard - 99 General Monster
<Evil Foliage> Demon Flowertrap - 99 Elite Monster