Basic Information
Type Lucky Pack
Quality Normal
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 63512

Mysterious Pet Summoning Device (Non-tradable)

Cannot trade.

A device that can summon pet set items. You never know what'll appear!

Right-click to obtain one of the following items:
Advanced Pet Improving Potion (Non-Tradable) x1
Advanced Pet Improving Potion (Non-Tradable) x2
Advanced Pet Improving Potion (Non-Tradable) x3
Advanced Pet Improving Potion (Non-Tradable) x4
Advanced Pet Improving Potion (Non-Tradable) x5

Additionally, you have a chance to receive the following item:
Unique Seiryuu x1
Unique Festival Muramasa x1
Unique Elizabeth x1
Ultra Nakama x1