Basic Information
Type Unsorted
Quality Normal
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 47111

X-legend Badge

Cannot trade. Cannot store in warehouse. Cannot be stored in the shared warehouse.

Apply for official services. Please purchase this badge only after inquiring the service from the official.
The quantity of badges required for different services may vary. The following are the steps for applying for the service.
Submit a service application through "Shop(I)→AIHELP" or by visiting the "Question Report" page on the official site.
Our CS staff will inform you of the quantity of badges required for this service.
Purchase this item and discard the required quantity of badges from your inventory.
Submit the service application to the official again and inform them that the badge disposal has been completed.
After completing the application, please wait patiently for the service to be completed.
※Note: This item cannot be traded and has no other purpose.
※Note: This item is non-refundable after purchase, so please be cautious when buying.