Basic Information
Type Consumables
Quality Normal
Detailed Information
ID: 41475

Gaia Silver Medal

Increase all stats by 2%, increase MOVE SPD by 2%.
In this state, you can receive a reward once a day from the NPC "Medal Exchange Clerk" (644, 328) in Navea.

Use to obtain the status "Gaia Silver Medal" for 15 days.
With this status, you can redeem the "Silver Medal Chest (Non-Tradable)" once per day with the NPC "Medal Exchanger" (644, 328) in Navea.

Silver Medal Chest (Non-Tradable):
Right-click to obtain one of the following items:
Advanced Armor Fortification Scroll (Non-tradable) x1
Advanced Weapon Fortification Scroll (Non-tradable) x1
Advanced Accessory Fortification Scroll (Non-tradable) x1
Costume Restructuring Solution (Non-tradable) x1
Pet Improving Potion (Non-tradable) x2

You will also receive the following items:
Silver Crystal x1

Collect 7 "Silver Crystals" and exchange them with "Medal Exchanger" for "Silver Luxury Chest (Free choice) (Non-Tradable)".
Silver Luxury Chest (Free choice) (Non-Tradable)
Use to choose one of the following items:
Superior Armor Fortification Scroll (Non-Tradable) x1
Superior Weapon Fortification Scroll (Non-Tradable) x1
Superior Accessory Fortification Scroll (Non-Tradable) x1
Costume Attribution Random Reset Holy Water (Non-tradable) x1
Intermediate Pet Improving Potion (Non-tradable) x1

All of the above items cannot be traded.