Basic Information
Type Enhancements
Quality Normal
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 41420

undefined_Eidolon's Token Reshuffling I (Non-tradable)

Cannot trade. Cannot be stored in the shared warehouse.

A Rune Stone forged from an ancient Magic Stone. It has a chance to resonate with the Eidolons, granting them an additional special skills.
Right-click to use, then select the Eidolon's Token.
Use to reshuffle the Eidolon's Token DMG and HP.
There is a chance to obtain 1-2 special stats or a failure. When a failure occurs, all special stats will be removed.
The Eidolon's Token is bound after use.

After using it, there is a chance for the Eidolon's Token to obtain up to two of the following stats.
Cannot stack up to two times.
% Increase of the following abilities:
DMG: +5% / 10% / 15%
HP: +5% / 10% / 15%
DEF: +1% / 2% / 3%
SPD: +1% / 2% / 3%
EVA: +1% / 2% / 3%
CRIT DMG: +4% / 8% / 12%
Normal ATK SPD: +1% / 2% / 3%
Healing: +6% / 12% / 18%
DMG against Storm targets: +4% / 8% / 12%
DMG against Flame targets: +4% / 8% / 12%
DMG against Ice targets: +4% / 8% / 12%
DMG against Lightning targets: +4% / 8% / 12%
DMG against Holy targets +4% / 8% / 12%
DMG against Dark targets: +4% / 8% / 12%