Basic Information
Type Wizard
Quality Secret
Sell Price 331
Repair Cost 1
Detailed Information
ID: 22270Strengthen:

Sinful Punishment Scepter

ATK SPD 2.2s

Cannot trade.
SLv 20 and above
ATK Bonus
Durability 100 / 100

DMG +93489
CRIT +3317
SPD +2211
EVA +3689
CRIT DMG to Boss Monsters +40%
DMG against Boss Monsters +11%
Weapon Skill Level +2
PEN +18%

Fortification +9: ACC +2%
Fortification +15: Max HP +1%
Fortification +18: DMG +1%
CRIT +1%
Fortification +20: DMG +2%
CRIT +2%
Max HP +2%
ACC +4%
Fortification +25: DMG +3%
CRIT +3%
Max HP +2%
Fortification +30: DMG increases by 3%
CRIT increases by 3%
HP increases by 2%
ACC increases by 4%
Armor Piercing Value increases by 3 points

"It used to be one of the divine soldiers of Elysium. It has the power of Heavenly Punishment, but it was misused by evil forces. It can never return to Elysium now."