Basic Information
Type Back
Quality Rare
Sell Price 114
Detailed Information
ID: 16496Strengthen:

Ghodroon's Guard Paragon Cloak

Binds on Equip.
Character Level 85 and above

DEF +233
SPD +342
HP +1817
EVA +719

Fortification +9: Move SPD +1%
Fortification +15: Max HP +1%
Fortification +18: Move SPD +1%
Max HP +1%
Fortification +20: DMG +2%
Max HP +2%
Fortification +25: DMG +3%
Max HP +3%
Fortification +30: DMG +3%
Max HP +3%
Move SPD +1%

Apostate's Set (3/3)
Set Bonus:
HP +4638
DMG to Dark targets +35%

Before the king's soul was imprisoned, a low-level guard challenged Ghodroon in the hope of rescuing him. Impressed by his loyalty and bravery, Ghodroon awarded him this cloak. There are traces of Ghodroon's dragon power on it.
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