AuraKingdom-DB is a database for Aura Kingdom. You can download the game from X-Legend.

Aura Kingdom Chronicle Battles

Name Durability XP Merit
Little Adventure (Normal) 10 1081 144
Temporal Shatter (Normal) 10 1081 144
Itsuwan Garden (Normal) 10 1081 144
Earthfire Ruins (Normal) 10 1081 144
Forsaken Dunes (Normal) 10 1081 144
Stolen Crystal (Normal) 10 1081 144
Dreamland Adventure (Normal) 10 1081 144
Beetle Festival (Normal) 10 1081 144
Summer Training Contest (Normal) 10 1081 144
Land of Sun Banquet (Normal) 10 1081 144
Lion Kingdom V 6 494 154
War God Altar V 6 498 156
Bodhi Forest V 6 503 158
Bridge over the Ganges V 6 507 160
Kurukshetra Prairie V 7 609 162
The Snowy Peak V 7 614 164
Indra Palace V 7 620 166
Ancient Walled City III 7 922 168
Ancient Walled City IV 7 922 168
Ancient Walled City I 7 915 168
Shangri-La V 7 625 168
Ancient Walled City II 7 915 168
City of Angels I 7 922 168
City of Angels II 7 922 168
Tree of Knowledge II 7 1016 169
Gate of Judgment II 7 1008 169
Gate of Judgment IV 7 1016 169
Tree of Knowledge I 7 1016 169
City of Angels IV 7 931 169
Gate of Judgment III 7 1016 169
Gate of Judgment I 7 1008 169
City of Angels III 7 931 169
Tree of Knowledge III 7 1027 171
Tree of Knowledge IV 7 1027 171
Angel Tears Spring I 8 1099 171
Galaxy Bridge I 8 1108 171
Angel Tears Spring IV 8 1108 171
Angel Tears Spring II 8 1099 171
Angel Tears Spring III 8 1108 171
Galaxy Bridge II 8 1108 171
Ancient Battlefield I 8 1118 172
Ancient Battlefield IV 8 1127 172
Aura Kingdom's Gate I 8 1127 172
Aura Kingdom's Gate II 8 1127 172
Galaxy Bridge III 8 1118 172
Ancient Battlefield III 8 1127 172
Ancient Battlefield II 8 1118 172
Galaxy Bridge IV 8 1118 172
Aura Kingdom's Gate IV 8 1137 174
Aura Kingdom's Gate III 8 1137 174