Aura Kingdom Cards

Name Attribute Rarity DMG HP
Caring Forest Fairy Demeter
Wings of Happiness Qingniao
Lightning Queen Seiryuu
Golden Goddess Sif
Nightland Lord Tsukuyomi
Ice Sword God Ullr
Twilight Goddess Urd
Shimmering Firefly Kingyo-hime
Queen of the Underworld Persephone
Goddess of Creation Santa Amaterasu
Queen of the Underworld Summer Persephone
Goddess of the Home Hestia
Heart of the Chalice Percival
Kitten of Gaia Chiyu
Spirit King Little Drunkard
Exorcist Messenger Santa Komainu
Heavenly Beauty Da Qiao
Spirit King Summer Shutendoji
Goddess of Thunder Thor
Medium Experience Crystal
Lighthouse Manager Warren
Forest Hunter Bentley
Garrison Captain Kane
Orchard Mistress Bella
Younger Fisherman Brother Braeden
Woman Nala
Craftsman Anthony
Eternal Youth Serif
Collector Akers
Hall Security Officer Lane
Robot Montebrown Mk.V
Divisional Guard Captain Ben
Young Man Bobby
Investigation Team Vice Leader Floyd
Church Investigator Geno
Hunter Wyatt
Vanguard Soldier Hermione
Group Hunter Rachel
Soldier Henry
Weapons Craftsman Shep
Filthrun Croft Guardian Adonis
Vanguard Stone Guard Ike
Scout Vincent
Tafay Militiaman Shaine
Church Guard Leonard
Mercenary Jonah
Alliance Assistant Merle
Project Director Hayes
Second Expedition Leader Maxim